Friday, October 31, 2014

Late Post! HMSA 30k

I am going to keep this post nice and simple!

I met with two of the girls from my running group the morning of the race. They are both speed demons compared to my pace, but they stuck around with me for the first mile. For the first 13 miles I hovered around a 12-12:30 pace.
At the bib pick up in my costume for the Halloween Party!

Sandra and I after we finished.

I felt pretty good. I like taking it nice and easy. The lack of restroom caught up to be around mile 14. I had to poop. I felt like a dog sniffing out a good spot. At mile 16 I hopped a fence into a construction zone and used the porter john.

For the rest of the race I averaged 13:30 pace. The sun was up and it was pretty warm. I used all of the aid stations and honestly think I could have paced a minute faster through out the whole thing.

This time Luke missed me at the finish line.... So no finishing picture. So far this is  the LONGEST run I have ever done. I feel very accomplished and confident that I can finish the marathon!

My official finish time was 4:03.


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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Hokulani Bake Shop Hawaii 25k

Today I went for my long run (13 miles) and it dawned on me while I was thinking about my pace -

I forgot to write about my last race!

The Bake Sop 25k, on Oct. 5th.

Since its been about a week I don't feel too fresh on the subject anymore... so I will just keep it brief. I went ill prepared, I didn't really eat breakfast. Not eating breakfast lead to me to take my Rehydrate Gel in the first thirty minutes. Around mile 10 I began to crash. It was getting hot, we kept a good pace up until that point. By we I mean my new friend Amber and I. At mile 10 there was a beastly hill that shook up my self confidence and spit me out like a shell of a sunflower seed. It was gnarly.

The views were amazing which helped me try to push through. I ended up with something of a 13:30 pace by the end and was dead tired.

Amber was a sweet heart and stuck with me the whole time even though she could probably run the whole thing. I was just happy to finish and learned my lesson about not eating properly before hand (again).

Photo From Hawaii Sport Mag.
The picture above is the winner of the race... the girl with the cute butt and pink hair is me!!! My official finishing time was 3:30. I wasn't really happy about the time but I did finish a 15.5 mile race.
Lucy waiting for me to finish running.

Amber and I at the finish line.


P.S. When you visit my page don't forget to click on the Top Mommy Blogger Button on the top right hand side!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Why we decided to wait...

With Infant & Pregnancy Loss Awareness Day right around the corner I figured I would write about something that has been weighing heavy on my heart.

The burning question of my life lately is,"When are you going to try for another baby?"

 For those of you who don't know this we lost a pregnancy on Mothers Day of this year, and it was really was emotionally devastating for our family. I had such a hard time handling the loss, we decided it would be best to wait and try again. After talking it over we decided that after the original due date, which was December 25th would be best.

I think of it as starting fresh. The old due date will be past and it will be a whole new try. No reminders from friends ( I have 4 friends on my Facebook who are due with in two weeks of my original date). I feel like or decision is what is healthiest and the best for us.

Sometimes I feel like I am expected to be over it, but guess what- I'm not. For those like me who miscarry (a term used to describe the loss of a baby before week 20), the pain can be easily dismissed by onlookers. "oh, you can try again,"you have a long life to live,"another baby will come along,"get over it, move on and try again," you may be surprised but I have heard it all.

I know that plenty of time has past. I know that 1 in 4 pregnancies end in a loss. I know that I am not alone. I know that it wasn't my fault, and that there was nothing that I could have done to prevent it. If I could snap my fingers and make it better I would, but I can't. My heart still hurts, and thats where I am at right now.

"When a child loses his parent, they are called an orphan. When a spouse loses her or his partner, they are called a widow or widower. When parents lose their child, there isn't a word to describe them."- President Ronald Reagan. 
My daughter Lucy was so excited. 

If you have a friend who is going through a loss. Listen to them. Be there for them. Don't judge them for how they handle a loss, and defiantly don't press them to try again.

On October 15th please say a prayer and light a candle for those who have had a infant or pregnancy loss. Too many families grieve in silence.

“If everyone lights a candle at 7 p.m. and keeps it burning for at least one hour, there will be a continuous WAVE OF LIGHT over the entire world on October 15th.” (
We will never forget.
