Monday, February 23, 2015

Good bye running....

Hey guys! So I have been up to a lot this last month. I have change my workout schedule drastically...

I have decided to stop running long distance. (Crazy I know) By long distance I mean anything over 6 miles.

Although I LOVE running it hasn't been benefiting my fitness goals. I stopped losing weight (actually gained back some weight!) and feel like I body has lost shape. I really want to focus on toning & building muscle while continuing to lose fat. I have been doing my own research and have taken a plan of action.

First I joined a gym. After researching for about two weeks I chose Power House Gym in Aiea. I chose it based off of a few different things. First was child care, that was the number one important thing to me. Second thing was price, and it actually fit right in my price range. A few other things I looked at was location, cleanliness, how the staff were, and size. I wasn't looking for a crazy big gym that had a pool and track. I was looking for a gym that had free weights and machines. 

Second step I took was getting a personal trainer. When I signed up I paid for the package that gets you a person trainer for 3 sessions. I feel really lost in the gym and knew I would feel more comfortable with someone walking me through everything. I was given a trainer named Jake. I was nervous before I met him because I didn't know what to expect. But he makes me feel really comfortable and is really good at his job. If you are on Oahu and searching for a trainer I highly recommend him.

Third thing is to  come up with a diet plan. After talking to several different people I have decided to change how I am eating. I am going to start eating around 1800 calories a day and am upping my protein intake. I am actually counting my macros and if you are interested to see what I am eating you can add me on myfitnesspal ldholcombe.  

I will post a before picture tonight. Besides that I will just have to put in the work and be patient. Coming up with this plan reminded me of training for my first marathon and how excited I was over my plan. I love having NEW goals and having a plan put in place. 

If you count your macros I want to know in the comments below how it is working out for you. 


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

First Race Post Marathon... GAR

First I want to say sorry for the lack of updates. My life has been busy but uneventful since the marathon. I did get an awesome tattoo which was a major highlight and reward for my hard work!
My new tattoo I got right after the marathon. Thanks Xavier at Vengeance Tattoo

I finally completed my first race post marathon- Great Aloha Run which is 8.1 miles. I decided to do this one differently: WITH A STROLLER. My time was 1:44:58, and I am extremely proud of myself! 

Photo Credit Goes to Stacey

Hi Molly! Sorry my shoe came untied right in front of you!

First thing you should know they make strollers start at the back of the race, even behind the walkers. Trying to maneuver the stroller through the mass amount of people was very tricky and a bit frustrating. Trying not to run into the back of peoples legs was the hardest part because my front wheel sticks out pretty far.
I was a perfect day to run the weather was beautiful and I felt completely prepared. I have been running with the stroller every single run, including long runs because my husband has been out on the submarine a lot more lately. I felt good 95% of the run, the other 5% was when I had a bit of a cough and no water. (I fixed it with a capri sun). 
Lucy was well behaved the whole time and we only had to stop once for her to go potty. She was my cute cheerleader and pushed me through the last stretch that was a hill. I had enough energy to start walking home. I made it a mile and my neighbor stopped and picked me up (thanks Krystal). 

I also want to thank all my fellow mother runners I saw along the way and before the race. Thanks Stacey, Jessica A., and Molly. You guys really gave me a confidence boost and I love seeing you at races. Also thanks to all of you who support my blog and show love long distance through Facebook! When I am out running I know you all are rooting for me and I don't want to quit because I know you are watching. 
