Thursday, December 18, 2014

My FIRST Marathon: Honolulu Marathon 2014 Recap

If you didn't catch it in the title I put FIRST (not last) because after this marathon I am sure I want to do another. For the last few weeks I began to think that this marathon this was not for me, until I crossed that finish line. I was preparing for the worse. I thought that surely after the race I would be handicapped and in need of a caregiver. That was  not the case. Sure I was extremely tired and hobbled around like a 90 year old grandma. I did receive help getting back home, and later that night having a friend bring me some food. But when I was first left on my own I was able to care for my self. I ordered pizza, took a shower, walked my dog, and laid not only my self but my three year old down for a nap.

Okay now for the race day details.

I woke up at 1:30 am, because my ride was picking me up at 2:15 am. I was nervous but not crazy nervous. I ate a banana and a bowl of plain oatmeal and took a cup of coffee to go.

We parked and were able to hop on a Japanese tour bus instead of walking over a mile down the road to hop on the shuttle that we were originally going for. It ended up saving us a boat load of time and was hilarious!
The Japanese Bus

We made it to the start area and had plenty of time to use the restrooms and stretch. It was sprinkling and a bit chilly for Hawaii (in the 70's). I actually felt cold here for once.

At the beginning of the race I felt like it was a big celebration for all of the hard work we put into training, the firework show was the big kick off!

The first few miles were tough. Between "accidentally" elbowing tourists and having to dodge dummies who stop with out warning just to snap a pic- we were making decent time.

The first few miles were awesome when it came down to support. Crowds of people cheering us on. I even spotted fellow Stroller Warriors who came to support! With all of the chaos the first few miles just went by.

We started up the outside of Diamond Head and spotted the first place person was passing us on the other side! (That was about mile 8 or 9 for me)
Mile 15ish

The rain and wind were not a good combination. By mile 13 I did not feel like running in it anymore. Peoples hats were flying off, and our shoes were heavy and soaked. My ankles were feeling the strain from the extra weight of my shoes. I was defiantly feeling down in the dumps until I saw three of my fellow stroller warriors, one (Jessica Argo) came over and grabbed my hand. BTW she was already at like mile 20 at that point. Those ladies are no joke BAMR's.

At the 25k mark I stopped and rang out all of the water out of my socks (It was a nice relief). I started off running again.

Then out of the blue, I spotted my family in the car. I hope they didn't see but I am pretty sure I put on a ugly cry face. It helped me push through the next bit. I saw them two more times and it was an awesome feeling. They supported me every step of the way, and brought Lucy. (Oh I forgot to mention my husband was gone on the Submarine so his brother and wife looked after Lucy for me).

It was a big deal to me that Lucy was there. She sat through most of my training in the stroller. Her longest ride being 13.5 miles. She had to deal with early morning wake ups for the 6 races I did before the marathon. She was there through the good, bad, and ugly. I didn't want to give up because I knew she would be watching me. She is what always keeps me going every day.
Me and my baby girl.

Between the first time I saw them and the last my friend Cheryl found me and ran with me for the next few miles. She really kept me going and it was nice to have someone to talk to. We split at mile 22 at a water station.

The last 4.2 miles were not easy. The one thing that did help is that I have done 4 races on that last stretch so I knew what I was in for.

Right before the finish line I spotted my family again. I couldn't believe that I was about to cross the finish line. The relief that swept over my body was unreal. I actually felt a weight lift off of my shoulders. All of those early morning wake ups, not going to Friday night parties, the sore muscles, planning my life around this thing.- I WAS DOING IT, COMPLETING IT. I had been preparing for this day for what felt like forever, and it was over.

Although I did not get the time I had hoped for I am still extremely proud of my self. I actually set out to do something that a lot of people only dream of doing and finished. It wasn't as hard as I had hyped it up to be in my head. But it was just as rewarding and life changing. 6:56:54

Now that my marathon high has ran off (get it ran hehe) I am left  with the question- What to do now?? I am really looking forward to see what the NEW YEAR will bring. I can't wait to tackle something else.



Monday, November 17, 2014

Mizuno Val Nolasco Half Marathon.

Yesterday morning I woke up refreshed and not thinking anything of the race. Perhaps it was because I haven't been focused on this race. In fact I have barely thought about it, which led me to fall asleep with ease the night before. The only thing that constantly reminded me of it is my girl friends who were training like mad men.

 This race to me was just another long run 
Before the race!

After that was me telling them to hurry so I could go poop.

Amy was a paparazzi and the finish line.

Jenise doesn't even look like she just ran 13.1 miles

Bib pick up selfie.
that I needed to complete for marathon training. 

I wasn't excited about it at all. I have been dreading all of my long runs, and wanted training to be over. 

When we started the race I waited for a friend and we started out together. This was her first race and she was excited. I met up with several people ahead of time, three of them were first timers. The energy they put off made me excited. 

During the race I ran with two girls that I know from Stroller Warriors on and off. (We yo-yo'd with each other). A few friends passed me on the turn around and I cheered them on like they were rock stars (because duh they are). Having so many people there and being able to run the whole thing with out much difficulty was nice.

Seeing them support and cheer each other on reminded me why I love running these races so much. I love the running community.

I finished at 2:40 which shaved 16 minutes off of my last half. This one was actually easier (maybe because the lack of nerves?!). 

I am looking at the rest of the training with new eyes. I feel refreshed and can't wait to do this marathon.


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Friday, October 31, 2014

Late Post! HMSA 30k

I am going to keep this post nice and simple!

I met with two of the girls from my running group the morning of the race. They are both speed demons compared to my pace, but they stuck around with me for the first mile. For the first 13 miles I hovered around a 12-12:30 pace.
At the bib pick up in my costume for the Halloween Party!

Sandra and I after we finished.

I felt pretty good. I like taking it nice and easy. The lack of restroom caught up to be around mile 14. I had to poop. I felt like a dog sniffing out a good spot. At mile 16 I hopped a fence into a construction zone and used the porter john.

For the rest of the race I averaged 13:30 pace. The sun was up and it was pretty warm. I used all of the aid stations and honestly think I could have paced a minute faster through out the whole thing.

This time Luke missed me at the finish line.... So no finishing picture. So far this is  the LONGEST run I have ever done. I feel very accomplished and confident that I can finish the marathon!

My official finish time was 4:03.


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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Hokulani Bake Shop Hawaii 25k

Today I went for my long run (13 miles) and it dawned on me while I was thinking about my pace -

I forgot to write about my last race!

The Bake Sop 25k, on Oct. 5th.

Since its been about a week I don't feel too fresh on the subject anymore... so I will just keep it brief. I went ill prepared, I didn't really eat breakfast. Not eating breakfast lead to me to take my Rehydrate Gel in the first thirty minutes. Around mile 10 I began to crash. It was getting hot, we kept a good pace up until that point. By we I mean my new friend Amber and I. At mile 10 there was a beastly hill that shook up my self confidence and spit me out like a shell of a sunflower seed. It was gnarly.

The views were amazing which helped me try to push through. I ended up with something of a 13:30 pace by the end and was dead tired.

Amber was a sweet heart and stuck with me the whole time even though she could probably run the whole thing. I was just happy to finish and learned my lesson about not eating properly before hand (again).

Photo From Hawaii Sport Mag.
The picture above is the winner of the race... the girl with the cute butt and pink hair is me!!! My official finishing time was 3:30. I wasn't really happy about the time but I did finish a 15.5 mile race.
Lucy waiting for me to finish running.

Amber and I at the finish line.


P.S. When you visit my page don't forget to click on the Top Mommy Blogger Button on the top right hand side!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Why we decided to wait...

With Infant & Pregnancy Loss Awareness Day right around the corner I figured I would write about something that has been weighing heavy on my heart.

The burning question of my life lately is,"When are you going to try for another baby?"

 For those of you who don't know this we lost a pregnancy on Mothers Day of this year, and it was really was emotionally devastating for our family. I had such a hard time handling the loss, we decided it would be best to wait and try again. After talking it over we decided that after the original due date, which was December 25th would be best.

I think of it as starting fresh. The old due date will be past and it will be a whole new try. No reminders from friends ( I have 4 friends on my Facebook who are due with in two weeks of my original date). I feel like or decision is what is healthiest and the best for us.

Sometimes I feel like I am expected to be over it, but guess what- I'm not. For those like me who miscarry (a term used to describe the loss of a baby before week 20), the pain can be easily dismissed by onlookers. "oh, you can try again,"you have a long life to live,"another baby will come along,"get over it, move on and try again," you may be surprised but I have heard it all.

I know that plenty of time has past. I know that 1 in 4 pregnancies end in a loss. I know that I am not alone. I know that it wasn't my fault, and that there was nothing that I could have done to prevent it. If I could snap my fingers and make it better I would, but I can't. My heart still hurts, and thats where I am at right now.

"When a child loses his parent, they are called an orphan. When a spouse loses her or his partner, they are called a widow or widower. When parents lose their child, there isn't a word to describe them."- President Ronald Reagan. 
My daughter Lucy was so excited. 

If you have a friend who is going through a loss. Listen to them. Be there for them. Don't judge them for how they handle a loss, and defiantly don't press them to try again.

On October 15th please say a prayer and light a candle for those who have had a infant or pregnancy loss. Too many families grieve in silence.

“If everyone lights a candle at 7 p.m. and keeps it burning for at least one hour, there will be a continuous WAVE OF LIGHT over the entire world on October 15th.” (
We will never forget.


Thursday, September 25, 2014

A Running Horror Story

WARNING: This material that you are about to read is hilarious and disgusting. If you do NOT like poop talk or are a bit squeamish I would advice to stop reading now.

I thought I would launch off the first week of Autumn with a horror story. Muuuahahhaa

 I am 11 weeks out from my first full marathon, and training is beginning to really pick up. I put off my long weekend run until Sunday evening- 9 miles. I generally run in the morning but better late than never.

I ate dinner roughly around 5:00 p.m., then I went and sat down with a "little" ice-cream cone. It was a delish cookies and cream on a waffle cone. Not a big deal. I put on my running clothes and sat on the couch to "settle my belly" until 6:30 p.m.
These aren't my pics but exactly what I ate.
Spicy Chicken Stew
I don't recommend any of what I ate before you run. Ever short or long run. Don't do it.

I was dragging my feet out the door. The first 5.5 miles were just average. I wasn't going to win a award or anything I was hitting about a 12 min pace. I consider that good since I spent the whole morning at the beach with the fam bam.

Mile 6: I spotted my pal Jenise outside of her house. I began yelling out her name and asking for water. I stopped and talked for a few mins and briefly mentioned that I felt like I needed to poo- no biggie... right? I drank her ice cold water and headed back on my merry way. Only 3 miles to go. I felt pretty good I was jammin to my music and just strolling along.

Mile 7: I started getting a rumble, and I was scared. I knew there were 0 bathrooms on the way back. I HAD TO MAKE IT HOME. I clenched my  cheeks and pushed on.

Mile 8: The voice in my head- No biggie. Just a mile left, mostly up hill but still just a mile.  I will not shit my self. I repeat WILL NOT drop a stinky bomb in my nike shorts.

Mile 8.7: I slow down to a slow walk. My stomach was in such distress it was making me feel hotter. I am sure even if I wasn't running I would be sweating at this point from how much work it was just to keep it in.

Mile 8.94: I finally reached my house, I was so close to hitting the 9 mile mark but I needed to stop. I HAD TO STOP. I ran up to my house to open the front door.


 I grab out my phone while walking to the back and called the husband. To my disappointment it went STRAIGHT to Voicemail. (You have got to be kidding me, what if I was being murdered?!) Then I tried out the back door. BIG SURPRISE. LOCKED

I OFFICIALLY ENTERED PANIC MODE and start banging on the windows and door.

Ohhhhh. Dear LORD please have mercy on me.


I shamefully pulled down my pants and braced my self with the fence and just let it go.

It can't get any worse than this. Right?

Wrong. I was in the eye of the storm.

The porch light turns on and my husband is peering at me through the kitchen window. I was like a monkey in the zoo. I could have just died from the embarrassment.

He actually asked me what I was doing. I am not sure if it was a serious question because you could smell me from a mile away. Between the sweat, stench, tears and shame I managed to yell out some profanities and my favorite:"Luke you're a dead man."

Ohhh what the neighbors must think of us. Sorry neighbors. It was an emergency.

I managed to gather my self and go in side to clean up and apologize. We agreed upon a couple of things.

1. I shall never again eat spicy chicken stew with a ice-cream cone before I run.
2. He will never again lock me out on a long run.

I feel like this was a great learning experience for me and hope it never happens again. Ever again. I also hope that it helps other people make better food choices before a run.

If you have any funny or embarrassing stories I would love to here them in the comments below.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

All About Me....

Welcome to my amazing blog of randomness. 
Proud Submarine Wife!

I believe my life is like a project that is never completely finished. Each day I strive to be a better mother, wife, and friend than I was the day before the day before. I want to share my experiences with you all in hopes that I can encourage or inspire someone out there.

Right now the main focus of my blog is me trying to live a healthy lifestyle. I am currently on a break from running long distance and am focusing on lifting at the gym. I am going to transform my body over the next year. You  just watch, wait, and see.

You can always contact me at



Rock N Roll Seattle 1/2 Marathon June 2014

Boca Hawaii -Norman Tamanaha 15K, August 24, 2014
Rememberance Run September 6, 2014
Runner’s Hi 20K, September 7, 2014
Hokulani Bake Shop 25K, October 5, 2014
HMSA 30K, October 26, 2014
Mizuno - Val Nolasco 1/2 Marathon, November 16, 2014
Honolulu Marathon December 14th, 2014
Great Aloha Run 2015

Monday, September 8, 2014

Two Awesome Races in One Weekend

I started my weekend out with one life changing event- The Fisher House Remembrance Run 8k. I don't even think that I could begin to describe how powerful this event was. This wasn't your typical run of the mill military race, it was extremely moving. The emotions that began to wash over my body as we entered Ford Island are indescribable. I knew what the race was all about before I signed up, I knew that they had set up a display of boots with pictures of fallen heroes on them along the path. What I didn't know is how I would react seeing it all in person, it was a lot to grasp. My husband and I were talking about it as we drove in to park, I couldn't fight back the tears. I was taken back by how much work had gone into setting it all up, and by the fact that they are all volunteers. I was trying to wrap my head around the thought all of the people who are impacted by these men and women that were gone. I felt heart broken, and proud that we could all come together and honor their lives.
First race we both ran together!
Lucy wasn't happy, she slept the rest of the time.

We met up with the group I recently started running with- Stroller Warriors Pearl Harbor. They are really awesome and they had a HUGE group there. They were able to raise money for the run and gave it on stage at the race. I honestly can't imagine doing another race with out this awesome group of ladies. They seriously encourage and help you push through until you finish the race. I am so grateful that I found them and get to be a part of the group.

During the actual race I was able to run, and walk with a few different people. I saw several people drop to their knees as they found who they were looking for, it hurt to watch them. The amount of love that I felt there was unbelievable.

 I held it together pretty well and made it to the finish at 56 mins.

I didn't take pictures during the race itself, so I am borrowing a few from friends. I am so thankful that I was able to be a part of this event. I look forward to next year, and plan on being a bigger part of it.


I did another race I did the Runners HI 20k that is part of the 808 readiness series. This race was awesome in its own way.
Luke and I before the race.

First off its a smaller race. So its not crowded which I like. Second off its nearly 12.5 miles and thats pretty rad. I met up with one my friends from Stroller Warriors Amy and her husband Spencer right before it started and took a couple of pictures. 

I started this race as usual, in the very back. I don't like to feel like I am going to get stepped on.
Amy and I

With in the first 1/2 mile I met Sarah, I ended up running with her for the next 8.5 miles.    

  Having someone to run next to and chat with can be a life saver, in this case it was. I enjoyed myself and may have sang out loud to a Sublime song. Luke and Lucy found me a few times on the course, every time I saw them I was filled with love and encouragement. Having them at my my races always makes me want to push harder. I love them to bits.

 Sarah and I split up right around mile 9, because I really wanted to walk. I ended up walking then running a little for the rest of the race. Around mile 11 Luke and Lucy were there to tell me that I had just a little ways to go (1.5 miles), which to me felt like an eternity. At mile 12 I spotted Sarah again, she came back for me! Her coming back gave me a boost to finish in a "run". I am sure it was the slowest run anyone has ever seen but I did it. I felt relief as soon as I spotted her and I am so grateful that she did that for me. I finished at 2:37 and felt really good about it.

I look forward to the rest of the readiness series and can't wait to do my first marathon!

Thank you for taking the time to read!


Awesome New Shirt!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Boca Norman 15k COMPLETE

I can FINALLY say that I finished my first Hawaii race.

The Boca Norman 15k was given its day of glory August 24th 2014, after being delayed for two weeks due to hurricane warnings.

This race was the first of the Honolulu Marathon readiness series.

I really enjoyed this race. I love how simple it was. Not too many people but also not too few either. The views over looking the ocean were to die for, the whole thing was beautiful. - I love Hawaii.

Two days before the race I picked up my bib and shirt at this bike shop call Boca Hawaii. Its a smaller place but has some pretty nice gear. Everyone working there was friendly and I was greeted with smile.

The night before the race I made an Italian pasta salad to take in a few extra carbs. I had a really hard time sleeping and got up twice. I was really nervous because I knew I was going into the race with a knee injury. (I have been having troubles with my knee for about 4 weeks now)

In the morning I had a Advocare Spark and plain oatmeal. I basically had to force feed my self because it was extremely early (3:30 am). We arrived at the Kapiolani Park where the race was held at 5:00 am and picked up my time chip. Thats when I took my Advocare O2 Gold (and discovered I dropped one of them some where so I only took one). Right before the race started I decided to put on my knee brace because I was already hurting and didn't want to end up needing it half way through.
6:00 am the race started~ 
My husband and I right before. My daughter was asleep in the stroller..

I decided to pace my self at a 13 min mile because, I had tapered down three weeks before when the race was originally supposed to happen, and due to the knee problem.

Around mile 5 I felt like my legs were getting a little tired but I pushed through it. Between mile 5 and 6 I took my Advocare Rehydrate Gel. It seriously works wonders. 

This course has a lot of hills which took its toll towards the end. Right before mile 9 I could see the finish line and picked up my pace. I was able to finish with a good run which at my half marathon I was not able to. 
The top one you can see the knee brace.

I finished at 2:04 (according to my GPS). The official time has not been put out yet. I wish I wouldn't have walked at all, looking back at the race I really had no reason to walk.

I am so glad that my husband was able to come along with my daughter. Looking back now I wish I would have gotten a picture with the both of them.

 Fueling my body properly has been a huge learning experience for me. I am learning something new with each race that I do. 

I always wear my race shirt after I have completed the race!
Tomorrow I have an appointment for my knee/ hips. I am hoping for some answers and will update soon. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. 


Friday, August 8, 2014

Boca Hawaii-Norman Tamanaha 15K update....

                                                           Damn you Iselle and Julio!

Well I am sad to say that the race I was supposed to run in this Sunday has been rescheduled for August 24th, due to hurricane warnings. So far the storm has been extremely mild here on Oahu. I am going to take these couple of days to rest up before starting the training.

To look on the bright side of the race being delayed- my car will be here by the next expected race date, and my body will be my accumulated to the weather here.  


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Race This Weekend and Hurricane Warnings

First I want to say sorry for the lack of posts. We will have internet in our new home on August 9th! Things have been a lot diffenerent since we got here because we have no house hold goods. I have been trying to spend as much time as possible out of the house. 

We also added a new member to our family, and he is quite the character. 

Meet Mac! 

Okay... Time to write about what I came here to write about.  So apparently we have hurricane warnings right now on Oahu, Hawaii. Normally I wouldn't care BUT I have a race this weekend. The Boca Hawaii -Norman Tamanaha 15K. 

I have been steadily running since I got here a couple weeks ago, because I am really looking forward to my first race here. Also I am preparing for my marathon training. I have never been in a area where I would have to worry about hurricanes. So for now I will continue to taper down my miles and prepare!

Please keep us in your prayers! I will update on the race soon!


Friday, July 25, 2014


Sorry for the lack of posts. On Tuesday we arrived in Hawaii and have been extremely busy. I have managed to get in two runs- a 3 miler and 5 miler.

I feel like the weather here is similar to San Diego, just a little more humid. I feel slower than usual, probably due to the fact I took a week off because of my horrible allergies. Now that I am back at it I have a new goal. I want to get down to a 9:30 pace by October.

Well wish me luck on my goals!


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Duty Calls.

As some of you may or may not know, my husband is in the Navy and is a Submariner. The last three years he has been on shore duty, which means he has been home with us. Next month we move to Hawaii and he goes back to sea duty. Which means he will be gone a lot.... and this JUST hit me tonight.

It hit me like a ton of bricks.

I started thinking about our first year of marriage, where I sometimes went weeks on end with out hearing from him. About how hard its going to try to explain to a three year old why her daddy isn't home. I started thinking about how lonely I will be and how much I will miss him.

Then I changed my mind set...

I want to write down 20 things that are going to be good about this move, so later on down the road I can go back and think positive.


1. We will be living in a tropical paradise.

2. Believe it or not we actually have family in Hawaii. Our closet family here in California is in Washington state. My daughter will have cousins to play with, and that will be awesome.

3. We will be living in a bigger house. So far we have only lived in small apartments.

4. We will finally have our own washer & dryer! ^

5. Along with a garage. ^

6. It will be a new adventure for our family to explore together.

7. It never gets cold in Hawaii!

8. I will have the opportunity to make new friends.

9. Since he will be gone so much when we do spend time together it will be cherished even more.

10. I will run my first marathon in one of the worlds most beautiful places.

11. It will be a fantastic learning experience.

12. The beaches look amazing.

13. Snorkeling will be more eventful than it is here, because I will actually be able to see through the water.

14. I will have the opportunity to learn about another culture.

15. We will have plenty of new restaurants to try.

16.  We are going to get dive certified together in Hawaii.

17. My daughter will have experiences that some kids only dream of.

18. Distance can make the heart grow fonder. I actually like our emails that we send back and forth. It reminds me of falling in love.

19. He will have opportunities for advancement and to learn more on a Submarine.

20. Family members already want to visit!


Monday, July 14, 2014

My Weight Loss Journey So Far

Its time for me to get real with everyone.

I have caught my self slipping into a dark place lately when it comes to my body. I have felt like I don't see any changes or results from all of my hard work.- Which is one of the most frustrating things. I have read a few different weight loss stories lately and have felt compelled to do my own.

So here it goes.

I have struggled with my weight my whole life.

I have tried every diet & fad diet in the books. (Jenny Craig, Lemonade Cleanse, HCG Diet, Eating 200 calories a day, and sadly eating nothing at all....

I ended up giving up each one of them.

August 2012

My highest weight recorded was 235 pounds, that was my first wake up call. I decided to try to do something about it and went at it on my own. I was able to lose 30 pounds (not in a healthy way). I eventually just lost motivation and the weight started creeping back on.

A few months down the road Advocare found me.

(February 2013)

When I was approached with Advocare I decided to give it a try (although I thought that it probably wouldn't work for me because lets face it I had tried so many other diets and none of them stuck).

I knew that I needed something. I was EXHAUSTED. I had 0 energy at the end of the day to take care of my daughter and forget about my husband. I was too tired to be the wife that I needed to be. I was neglecting my self to say the least.

I was so miserable and unhappy with my self.

So I did the challenge....

When I started I was barely squeezing into a size 18 pants. When I finished I was able to get on a pair of size 14 pants. Most importantly, I had more energy than I had in years and I felt like a better mom and wife to my family.

So I decided to stick with the program, and it stuck with me. I am now a size 10 pants and I have lost a total of 70 pounds!                               
                                   Beginning of journey to July 2014

This would NOT have been possible for me personally if I had went at it alone.

 I had a whole team set up to help me, and that was key. It made it really hard for me to fail. I knew that if I gave up I would not only be giving up on my self but I would be giving up on the people who were helping me.

My mentor Karissa has been my biggest role model and supporter. She believed in me even when I didn't believe in my self. She has listened to me talk about all of my struggles and has always had something positive to give back to me. I am so thankful that I have someone so positive in my life.
(Thank you Karissa)

I am not finished with my weight loss and plan on losing at least 30 more pounds. I have really good days and bad days. I sometimes struggle with my body image but at the end of the day I am still pushing though and bettering myself. I have changed so much in the last year and a half- I am a totally different person. I am still learning to love myself where I am at and am constantly learning. I am going to continue on this journey and can not wait to see where it takes me.

Thank you for reading this. If you liked my post please follow me.