Sunday, October 12, 2014

Hokulani Bake Shop Hawaii 25k

Today I went for my long run (13 miles) and it dawned on me while I was thinking about my pace -

I forgot to write about my last race!

The Bake Sop 25k, on Oct. 5th.

Since its been about a week I don't feel too fresh on the subject anymore... so I will just keep it brief. I went ill prepared, I didn't really eat breakfast. Not eating breakfast lead to me to take my Rehydrate Gel in the first thirty minutes. Around mile 10 I began to crash. It was getting hot, we kept a good pace up until that point. By we I mean my new friend Amber and I. At mile 10 there was a beastly hill that shook up my self confidence and spit me out like a shell of a sunflower seed. It was gnarly.

The views were amazing which helped me try to push through. I ended up with something of a 13:30 pace by the end and was dead tired.

Amber was a sweet heart and stuck with me the whole time even though she could probably run the whole thing. I was just happy to finish and learned my lesson about not eating properly before hand (again).

Photo From Hawaii Sport Mag.
The picture above is the winner of the race... the girl with the cute butt and pink hair is me!!! My official finishing time was 3:30. I wasn't really happy about the time but I did finish a 15.5 mile race.
Lucy waiting for me to finish running.

Amber and I at the finish line.


P.S. When you visit my page don't forget to click on the Top Mommy Blogger Button on the top right hand side!


  1. The Bake shop running is nice and thanks for sharing.

  2. We must participate in the marathon, it has more benefits and thanks for sharing.
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